Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Rotten illnesses spreading through my family. We've all been down in one way or another since Easter and we're just now getting over it (ssshhhh don't let Mr Murphy know). My poor girls only got to wear their Easter dresses for a few hours as we went to church then left early because I was feeling awful. Of course, they had to change so the dresses didn't get dirty. But, we're planning a trip to Utah to see family this weekend and I'll take their dresses down for church there.
I have to say, I'm so thankful that throughout our illnesses, the kids and I were able to stay home and veg out, watching tv and movies. I'm really greatful I'm able to stay home with my kids. I'm thankful I homeschool. We didn't do any school at all the week after Easter but were able to get caught up afterwards. It's nice. Peanut is reading better and better. She is adding and subtracting small numbers. We are learning about sentence structure right now. She is so creative and laidback, I wish I was more like her in some ways. She has her Dad's onery streak though. She's taken to hiding around corners and has scared both her Dad and me this way. The two of them are going to put a serious dent in my stuffy character.
My Bubby......has freckles on his nose. Real freckles! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. He's a little boy now, not a baby. He's so handsome and he's such a sensitive boy. If you punish one of his sister's, he'll start crying if he thinks it's too harsh. He's usually willing to share with them so they don't go without. Now, he's onery too, pure boy. He'll drive the cats nuts and he'll go zipping for his toolbox whenever his Dad has a project to do. He loves to hang with his Dad. I love watching the two of them out working in the garden.
Bean. Well, she's my helpful, bossy little pixie. She's got the cutest smile that lets her get away with way too much. Often, when I am scolding one of her siblings, she'll parrot my exact words to them. It is so wrong and yet so funny. Like when we're saying prayers and she'll be whisper-yelling at Peanut or Bubby, "Close your eyes! Stay still!" Of course, it's lost on her that while she's scolding them, she's being irreverent. She has a great memory though and learns things incredibly fast. She's so torn between doing the girly things with her sister and the boy stuff with her brother.
Being home with them is so much fun. I love listening to their little conversations between each other. Especially when Bubby talks about marrying his sisters when he gets grown. He wants to marry Peanut, but, sensitive boy that he is, when Bean says, "what about me?" Bubby tells her, "I'll marry you after I marry Peanut!" Oiy, those Mormons!!